For heroism: On 9 October 1967, Private First Class Beckwith was serving as a rifleman on a mission with his company. He was traveling with the point element when suddenly the company was engaged by a large Viet Cong force. Private First Class Beckwith immediately rushed to a forward position and began delivering a heavy volume of effective fire on the insurgents. His action was instrumental in attaining fire superiority, enabling the company’s casualties to be evacuated. Private First Class Beckwith remained in his forward location, particularly exposed to the hail of enemy fire until the insurgents were dispersed. His admirable perseverance and disregard for his personal safety enabled him to make a significant contribution toward attaining a successful outcome in the encounter. Private First Class Beckwith’s actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 1st Infantry Division, and the United States Army.