Technician Fifth Grade Eldon S. Greer, 15308120, Infantry, United States Army. For heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy on Okinawa Island on 21 April 1945. When one of the rifle companies of an attack Infantry battalion suffered several casualties as it was making an assault on an enemy-held hill, two of the casualties were in a position that, to reach them, required crossing one hundred and fifty yards of open terrain under enemy fire. Receiving word that the men were seriously wounded and needed immediate evacuation, Technician Fifth Grade Greer and the other men of the squad crossed the area under extremely heavy enemy machine gun fire, gave the casualties immediate first aid and under the cover of a smoke screen laid down by the line company, succeeded in evacuating them back across the open terrain and hence to the aid station. These heroic actions, reflecting exemplary courage and coolness under fire, are a credit to himself and the military service.