For heroism in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Specialist Four Arnold distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 9 March 1969 while serving as a radio telephone operator with Company C, 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry. On that date, Specialist Arnold’s platoon was on a clearing operation near the village of Tien Phuoc when it engaged an enemy force in fortified positions. During the initial exchange of fire, the platoon leader was wounded. Specialist Arnold immediately directed artillery fire to within fifty meters of his own position and organized the remainder of the squad’s withdrawal to a secure area. Despite the hostile fire, Specialist Arnold maneuvered to where the platoon leader had fallen and attempted to retrieve his comrade. Specialist Four Arnold’s personal heroism, professional competence, and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect great credit upon himself, the Americal Division, and the United States Army.