For heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Specialist Four Deam distinguished himself by valorous actions on 1 September 1968 while serving as a radio and telephone operator with Company C, 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade. On that date, the company was engaged on a combat operation near the village of Phuoc Bing Tay when it made contact with an enemy force of undetermined size. Employing heavy machine guns and automatic weapons, the insurgents inflicted heavy casualties on the company, scattering the squads throughout the area. Undaunted, Specialist Deam contacted the various squad leaders and guided them back into the perimeter. He diligently maintained contact with the company commander and the battalion commander during the ensuing firefight, leaving his platoon sergeant free to supervise his men. After arranging a common landing zone to ensure the speedy evacuation of the wounded, he took the initiative to call in artillery on the hostile positions. Repeatedly, he exposed himself to the heavy enemy fire to ensure accurate adjustment of the artillery rounds. During the same period, he also called in supporting gunships and adjusted their fire on the enemy. When the firefight subsided, he directed medical aircraft to the company’s location. His timely actions contributed greatly to the success of the mission and the subsequent defeat of the enemy. Specialist Four Deam’s personal heroism, professional competence, and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the Americal Division, and the United States Army.