William J. Craine, 35624392, Sgt. Field Artillery, 605th Field Artillery Battalion, United States Army. For meritorious service in combat on 15 February 1945, near Vidiciatico, Italy, during the Battle for Riva Ridge, near Mt. Belvedere. In the assault upon a vital enemy held town, intense artillery fire, directed at the attacking mountain infantrymen, succeeded in breaking an essential wire line between a forward artillery observation post and its rear sections. Aware of the necessity of this contact, Sergeant CRAINE made his way into the hazardous area filled with bursting shells to find and repair the break. With restoration of this circuit, much needed support fire was rendered and the success of the operation was assured. Such fine achievements in this mission justly merit the highest respect and praise of all. Entered the military service from Columbus, Ohio.
By Command of Major General Hayes.