For valorous actions while serving as First Sergeant for the Pathfinder Company assigned to task Force Out Front during the recovery of “Mastadon 34”.
On 18 June, 2008 1SG Bonnell launched from Jalalabad, Afghanistan as the Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of a three-man Pathfinder detachment tasked with the security and extraction of a downed CH-47 helicopter near FOB Bostick in northeastern Afghanistan. While on site at the downed aircraft, 1SG Bonnell’s detachment came under direct enemy from RPG, PKM and AK47 fire. During the enemy attack, 1SG Bonnell directed the destruction of the downed aircraft, returned direct fire while controlling two AH64D attack helicopters and A10s to defeat the enemy attack. 1SG Bonnell’s expert knowledge of aircraft recovery procedures, leadership under fire and ability to leverage joint assets resulted in the destruction of a downed aircraft to prevent an Information Operations victory for the enemy and enabled the safe extraction of over 40 Coalition Soldiers while under direct fire. His bravery and skill represent the finest of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps and reflect the truest warrior ethos.
Mr. Brad Bonnell achieved the rank of Master Sergeant prior to his separation from active service. He was born in and entered the service from Columbus, Ohio and currently resides in Marysville, Ohio.