For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Squad Leader with Company I, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Division in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. One the morning of 25 August 1969, Corporal William E. Frash was walking the dangerous point for his platoon during a search and destroy operation south of Da Nang when he heard sounds indicating the presence of enemy soldiers nearby. Moving stealthily, he led his platoon commander to where six of the enemy were eating and, while his commander returned to his original location to lead a squad of Marines forward, Corporal Frash remained in his potentially dangerous position to continue his observation. Hearing additional sounds from another direction, he relayed this new development to his platoon commander and then moved alone, into an enemy occupied village and immediately came under small arms fire. Dauntlessly holding his ground until the point squad arrived, he then led his companions in an aggressive assault against the enemy and continually maneuvering ahead of the squad to lead them to hostile emplacements. By his courage, aggressive leadership and unwavering devotion to duty at great personal risk, Corporal Frash inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.