For heroism while participating in aerial flight as evidenced by voluntary actions above and beyond the call of duty in the Republic of Vietnam.
Warrant Officer DeWine distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 28 August 1968 while serving as pilot of the command and control helicopter for the squadron commander 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry.
On that date, Cavalry elements became heavily engaged with a well dug in enemy force of estimated regimental size, reinforced by recoilless rifle and anti-aircraft companies, four miles northwest of Tam Ky. The enemy defenses were arranged in depth with at least six .51 caliber anti-aircraft companies integrated into their position.
Warrant Officer DeWine, with complete disregard for his own safety, flew at low level to help spot enemy positions, enabling door gunners and helicopter occupants to place suppressive fire on the enemy. Although the aircraft sustained numerous hostile .51 Caliber and smaller caliber hits and was in danger of malfunctioning, Warrant Officer DeWine disregarded the danger and continued to fly in order to allow the squadron commander to control the action.
Sustaining hits to vital structural members, he landed the aircraft under hostile fire to evacuate four critically wounded troopers, since no medivac helicopters were immediately available. Despite the adverse conditions, he managed to fly while overloaded and with critical damage in order to evacuate the men. When the leading edge of the rotor blade took a .51 caliber hit, Warrant Officer DeWine brought the aircraft to a safe landing.
Warrant Officer DeWine’s personal heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service, and reflect great credit upon himself, the Americal Division and the United States Army.