For heroism in action: Second Lieutenant See distinguished himself by heroic actions on 27 May 1968, while serving with A Troop, 3d Squadron, 4th Cavalry on a combat operation in the Republic of Vietnam. When his unit came into heavy contact with a large enemy force who were fighting from heavily fortified bunkers, several casualties were sustained. Lieutenant See, realizing that he was unable to maneuver his vehicles close enough to destroy the enemy positions without suffering heavy casualties, chose to maneuver dismounted elements against the positions. He and three other men, under a base of fire from his vehicles, fearlessly crawled across fifty meters of open rice paddies while under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire to arrive within hand grenade range of the enemy bunkers. With complete disregard for his personal safety, he personally neutralized the enemy strong point, killing six of the enemy and enabling the troop to continue its advance. His valorous actions contributed to the success of the mission and the defeat of the enemy force. Lieutenant See’s personal bravery, aggressiveness, and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, the 25th Infantry Division and the United States Army.