While serving with HSC, 216th Engineer Combat Battalion, 264th Engineer Group, 1st Infantry Division, Sergeant Danny W. Bell distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous achievement during ground combat operations in and around Ad Duluiyah, Iraq on 07 July 2004. Sergeant Bell was performing security at the site of a downed vehicle when he was attacked by rocket propelled grenade and small arms fire. He was knocked to the ground, injured, and his individual weapon was shattered by a rocket propelled grenade. Without concern for his own injuries or his disabled weapon, he quickly got to his feet and began performing lifesaving first aid on the seriously wounded. He placed his own body between the enemy and a wounded comrade. Sergeant Bell’s heroism and dedication to his fellow soldiers on the battlefield upholds the finest traditions of military service and refle4cts great credit upon him, Task Force Danger, and the United States Army.