Captain Kevin B. Lombardo distinguished himself by an act of courage at Contingency Operating Base Adder, Tallil, Iraq, on 12 March 2008. On that date, Contingency Operating Base Adder received 12 rounds of indirect fire. Although the attack was still in progress, Captain Lombardo moved toward a known fire caused by a rocket impact. Witnessing another rocket hit the vehicle directly in front of him; Captain Lombardo approached the burning truck noticing an individual trapped inside. Deliberately exposing to incredibly fire, heat and smoke, he expertly administered aid to the injured Soldier, recognizing the critical severity of the Soldier’s injuries, he quickly pulled him away from the flames. Captain Lombardo’s assessment confirmed the injured Soldier had an unobstructed airway, severe life threatening burns, major head trauma, and a partial amputation of his right leg. He immediately applied a tourniquet to the Soldier’s right leg to slow the massive hemorrhaging. Army medics credit this immediate action with keeping the injured Soldier from bleeding to death. By his prompt action and humanitarian regard for his follow man, Captain Lombardo has reflected credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.