Captain Dwight M. Bell


Captain Dwight M. Bell
Army Commendation Medal w/

For valor under fire in the face of enemy insurgent forces while serving as Commander of the 2nd Company Mentor Team, 3rd Kandak, 2nd Brigade, 209th Corps OMLT, on 18 November 2009 near the Village of Baghlan-I- Jadid in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan.

During a deliberate ambush Captain Bell continuously exposed himself to heavy enemy fire for over one hour while attempting to extract his combined Afghan and Coalition patrol from the ambush zone. Captain Bell’s selfless action and total disregard for his own safety contributed to saving the lives of his fellow soldiers and enabled the entire patrol to escape the ambush zone with no casualties.

Captain Bell’s acts of valor are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, this Command, ISAF, and the United States Army.