For heroic achievement as a member of Underwater Demolition Team 13, while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong aggressors in the Republic of Vietnam. On 12 April 1969, Fireman SANDLIN was on board Inshore Patrol Craft 43, one of eight such craft engaged in direct support of Operation SILVER MACE II, proceeding in the Duong Keo Canal, on the Ca Mau peninsula. Suddenly the column came under enemy attack. Inshore Patrol Craft was the last boat in the column and was hit by three B-40 rockets and recoilless rifle rounds, causing it to go out of control and run aground only 20 yards from the center of the “kill zone”.
Fireman SANDLIN was seriously wounded in the leg by shrapnel from one of the exploding rockets. After receiving first aid, he unhesitatingly exposed himself to enemy fire and assumed a position on the bow perimeter and provided a heavy and accurate volume of M-16 fire. There were three Navy personnel KIA and thirty-three total Navy personnel wounded in the engagement. Fireman SANDLIN’s courage under fire, exemplary leadership and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Fireman SANDLIN was born in Hamilton, Ohio.