For gallantry in action: Specialist Four O’Keeffe distinguished himself by heroic actions on 17 January 1969 while serving as a medic attached to A Troop, 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry in the Republic of Vietnam. While on a combat operation in the Boi Loi Woods, “A” Troop came under an intense hostile attack. During the initial contact, an armored personnel carrier was struck by several rocket propelled grenades, wounding the crew. With complete disregard for his own safety, Specialist O’Keeffe exposed himself to a heavy volume of fire as he dismounted his vehicle and moved to the aid of his wounded comrades. As he neared the burning APC, Specialist O’Keeffe killed a Viet Cong soldier who was preparing to fire
at the vehicle. Reaching the beleaguered APC, Specialist O’Keeffe evacuated the wounded men to safety. As his unit was withdrawing, an APC covering the flank was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade. As he reached the damaged vehicle, Specialist O’Keefe killed an enemy soldier who was moving towards his position. His valorous actions contributed immeasurably to the success of the mission and the defeat of the hostile force. Specialist O’Keeffe’s personal bravery, aggressiveness and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions
of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit,
the 25th Infantry Division and the United States Army.
James Brian O’Keeffe achieved the rank of Master Sergeant before retiring from the Army. He entered the service from Columbus and resides in Upper Arlington, Ohio.
James Brian O’Keeffe was also awarded four Bronze Stars with “V” and an Army Commendation Medal with “V”, all earned during the first eight months of 1969 in Vietnam.